Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Pinecraft in all it's glory!

Last week was spent recuperating from a long drive to Florida and back and the conclusion of my son's hockey season. This week I can reflect on my most amazing time spent in Pinecraft, Florida.

Pinecraft (as taken from wikipedia.com): Pinecraft is a small neighborhood community of approximately 3,000 Amish and Mennonites. It is situated near the intersection of Bahia Vista Avenue and Beneva Road in Sarasota, Florida, USA. It serves as a winter vacation spot for many Amish and Mennonites from Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

So my love for the culture and the fact that Sherry Gore loving mother, cookbook author & magazine editor as well as Katie Troyer - papparazi to the Amish and Mennonites both live there were huge drawing cards.

While there we (my family and I) got to meet both Sherry and Katie and both are just delightful people, there is not enough time in a day to spend with either of them. Sherry and Katie have such a wealth of knowledge of the life and lifestyle of the Plain community in Pinecraft.

Life moves at a slower pace than I am accustom too, which was nice as we were on holiday. It was wonderful to see all Plain People milling about in front of Big Olaf's Ice Cream or being served a delicious meal by a Plain waitress at Yoder's.  Having a scrumptiously delicious buffet at Troyer's or just enjoying pizza on the patio behind Big Olaf’s, you were among Plain folk. Never once did you feel like you couldn't look for fear they would think you were staring. Never once did you have to look hard to see a Plain person.


It was so enjoyable seeing these large....and I mean large....a young couple with 7-8 children walking along the sidewalk, or better yet on bicycles and tricycles with children in baskets on the front and the back!!!! Children, parents, grandparents all walking along the side walk. It was so refreshing to see FAMILIES on vacation and enjoying each other.

Sherry and Katie both gave me a quick lesson on how they distinguish where each other is from in terms of; Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana etc. The different head coverings, apron's, colour's/prints etc! All too much to get a grasp of in such a short time! I remember the black Aprons are Lancaster! Then there was something with the head covering ribbons being a different colour....for the life of me I can't remember!

Regardless it was a trip worth repeating over and over again. I would like to visit in the summer to see what is referred to as the "ghost town". Next winter I will be making a return trip and hopefully it will be a MUCH longer stay!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Book Review for Healing is a Choice

Healing Is a Choice: 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You From Making Them (Paperback) This book is daunting when you first grab a hold of it. It is thick, the introduction is LONG but once you put that all aside you soon realize how good the book is.
It causes you to reflect and move forward, to HEAL. This book is great for getting over past hurts and learning how to not allow things to hurt you in that way again.
It has true stories in it which make it nice to allow you to see what and how others have had things in life that hurt them too.
A good read and once you get into it, it is hard to put it down.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Amy Clipston Books: Contest for 3 winners: Win Reckless Heart!

Amy Clipston Books: Contest for 3 winners: Win Reckless Heart!: Hi Friends! It's time for a new contest! This week THREE winners will receive each of the following items: An autographed advanced c...